Sunday, May 2, 2010

Heart of a Spartan

I haven't written in a while. I'd like to say that I've been too busy hard at work training, but that's not true at all. I have no idea what the weight battle is at right now as I haven't done a weigh in for nearly a week. I haven't been eating horrible, but I haven't been extremely healthy either.

I've spent a lot of my time the past couple days hanging out with my friends and doing a lot of drinking. Also, with the new smoking ban in bars and restaurants, I felt the need to have a few cigarettes out at the bar just because it was the last night I ever could. I'm not sure I've had a real cigarette in a few years, so it was pretty nasty. Definitely not something to start back up.

I did run a 5K today finishing in Spartan Stadium at my Alma Mater, Michigan State. My time, once it's officially confirmed will be my best time for the 5K since I've started running again. I'm sure knowing that I was going to run through the tunnel onto the field added to that. Then again, I'm pretty sure that the rain adding weight to my clothes and shoes weighed me down quite a bit as well.

I had a great run, though, and my family came down to watch me, come down on the field with me, and take pictures. We had a little picnic afterward in the hour when the rain stopped. After, I hung out with my friend who lives down there, and we talked and had a few beers while I petted his new weimaraner, Alice.

All in all, I think I'm making progress, nonetheless. My times keep getting better. My energy is up, and I feel good. Well, except right now. Getting up at 6, after going to your friend's bonfire the night before, then running, hanging out with another friend, driving to and fro, going out with the girlfriend, etc. after already having a busy week is pretty taxing. I may just go to bed before midnight for once.

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