Sunday, August 17, 2014

So Frustrated!

This will be short, as there's not much (and nothing good) to share.

First off,  almost all running plans and goals are derailed due to a very uncooperative knee.   It's the same one that's bothered me since October,  but I pushed it too far and now I'm paying the price.  Until this week, I have not run a lick for many many weeks, and the 3 and 7 milers put in this week have me hurting and limping pretty bad.

To substitute for running,  I've been biking.   I planned to go out today,  but unfortunately our bikes were stolen from our garage when the door was open.  This happened right in the middle of the damn day.  So,  my Sunday's been ruined.  Crim is next Saturday.   I am going to try really hard to get through it.   This sucks.

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