Tuesday, May 27, 2014


A lot can happen in a week.

Thursday the 15th, I went back to the old high school with Jason to run a charity 5K for the school's athletic boosters.  The last time I was there running this race, their track was dead to rights, and the bleachers for the school football field were condemned just a few months after.

Today, the track looks nice, there's new bleachers, and they even have this nice gate up with the funds that have come in during the past few years.

Summoning Falcon Powers

Anyway, I ran a 25:31, which is my 2nd best 5K ever.

Also, here's me trying to make my name near a dumpster...

That Saturday, we did the Tour de Crim again.  

Packet Pick-up

Pre-race (Jason's photo, not mine)
On the Bricks, before the start (Jason's pic, not mine)

I want an Arrogant Bastard Ale biking shirt.  Stone, hook a brother up!
Hay bale shenanigans
This baby ain't timed.  So I'm stopping for the free Good Beans Coffee
Hula Hoop Obstacle Failure (a.k.a. "Fat Guy in a Little Ring") (again, Jason's pic)

I won my head-to-head race in the bouncy castle against Jason (his photo again)

Stopped to listen to some jazz on wheels!!!

Once again, this was a super fun event to blow off some steam, get some exercise, and enjoy.  Sometimes it's just nice to have an untimed event.

Afterwards, I drank 29 4oz samples of beer at the World Expo of Beer in Frankenmuth.

Beer me with my lady!
Beer me with my friends!

Oh yeah...don't you have a half-marathon the next morning on Sunday?

Why yes, yes I do.

I ran Back to the Beach the next morning, a wee bit hungover.  I didn't really go at it that hard.  I was being cautious, given the dehydration from the night before.  Also, midway through the race I thought I was spitting up blood, but it turned out I just had a cut on my lip that I didn't locate until afterwards.  

This was probably one of the best organized, most fun, and one of the most scenic trail(ish)-halfs we have in Southeast Michigan.

Back to the Beach Medal
Also, I should probably mention I put up a 2:20:11, which is my best off-road half marathon ever.  I basically sprinted the last mile, and had plenty in the tank.  I should also mention that I actually had a negative split for once.  Not very often do I see my second half of a race this distance actually be better than the first.  So there will be more to give, and the weight is still slowly falling off me.

Gonna be a good year.  More to come... Let's kick some ass!

P.S. - My cousin also just put up her first ever Marathon the same day as I ran Back to the Beach, and I'm very proud of her and happy to have her join me in Club 26.2.

P.S.S. - I quit my job and my company I've been with 12 years officially on the 16th and got a new job actually doing environmental work again (for the county).  The pay is less (for now), but the smiles are more.

My wife made me a David Bowie card
and got me flowers to help with the transition


  1. Look at you speedy, second fastest 5k ever and best trail half while dehydrated! Congrats!

    Also, I love that the wife made that card, so awesome. Good luck on the new gig!

  2. Hello my friend...congrats on your PR, and job change, may you find happiness in your endeavors. I have been away for awhile but I am back to blogging and wanted to stop and say hello, and how are ya! Take it easy and enjoy life, hope to see ya around the blog-o-spere


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